Forthcoming on September 1st, 2015 on Norwegian Sofa Music imprint is «Tempo», the most recent 3-CD spanning album outing by Mural, an experimental trio consisting of Jim Denley, Kim Myhr and Ingar Zach which have recorded this box package throughout their third - originally four hours spanning - performance at the Rothko Chapel in Houston / Texas in April 2013. Meandering somewhat in between pure improvisation, super leftfield FreeJazz and droning, hypnotizing, live-created PostAmbient the three musicians take us on a journey through the whole spectrum from super buzzing, insectoid sounds to calm, dream-like guitar sequences reminiscing of early Balearic vibes, minimalistic drum vs glockenspiel parts, thrilling stakkatos beyond any imagination, musique noir, yearning and lonely wind section episodes as well as squealing, nerve-wrecking flutes, perilous drumming and much more, such as swelling crescendoes to be found on the last of the three discs, «Tempo» caters an intense listening experience beyond regular formats or categories to all fans of free-floating FreeJazz and advanced experimentalism. Nice.