Tine Surel Lange (b. 1989, Hadsel, Norway) is a composer and interdisciplinary artist based in the arctic Lofoten archipelago in Northern Norway. Her works take form as experimental instrumental and electro-acoustic composition, installations, performances, and audiovisual works. Her work is rooted in organic material – with a focus on listening, space, and how connotations colors how we listen and experience art. Lately, she has been focused on 3D-sound, sounding objects, sound for scenic productions, and creating conceptual works for sound and image – fascinated by magical realism and the coming doom of the human race.
Surel Lange’s works have been presented in Europe, North America, and Asia. She’s been working with electro-acoustic compositions and spatial sound at institutions like CCRMA (US), EMS (SE), Notam (NO), and MISC (LT).